Andrew Jupp

Andy obtained his Masters (2008-2012) and Ph.D. (2012-2016) from the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Jose Goicoechea. He worked on phosphorus analogues of the cyanate anion and urea, for which he was awarded the Reaxys Ph.D. Prize in Hong Kong in 2015. He subsequently carried out a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship with Prof. Doug Stephan at the University of Toronto (2016-2018), working on the synthesis and reactivity of main-group Lewis acids and bases, and the functionalisation of carbon dioxide. In 2018, he won a VENI grant as part of the NWO Talent Programme to work under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Chris Slootweg at the University of Amsterdam, where he studied the formation of main-group radicals in frustrated Lewis pair systems. In 2020, he launched his independent career as a Birmingham Fellow at the University of Birmingham (UK), working on small-molecule activation and molecular photo-switches. He started a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in January 2021, and in 2023 won the Early Career Award from the RSC Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Group.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Laura English

Laura obtained her Masters in Chemistry from Heriot-Watt University (2013-2018), working on the synthesis of hyper-closo carboranes under the supervision of Prof. Alan Welch during her final year project. She then obtained an MRes in Sustainable Chemical Technologies and a Ph.D in Chemistry as part of a CDT at the University of Bath (2018-2023), working on catalytic transformations at phosphorus, supervised by Dr David Liptrot. She joined the Jupp Group in June 2023 to investigate the synthesis and uses of novel functionalised photoswitches. Outside of the lab Laura enjoys baking, hiking and playing board games.

PhD Students

Emma Jordan (4th Year PhD)

Emma gained a First class BSc (Honours) in Natural Sciences (Chemistry) from the Open University in 2019, for which she was also awarded two Haynes Prizes. She was awarded a distinction for her MSc in Pharmaceutical Science and Medicinal Chemistry at Loughborough University, and also received the Chemistry MSc Prize for achieving the highest degree mark across the Chemistry MSc courses. She joined the Jupp group in September 2020 at the University of Birmingham. 

Ethan Calder (3rd Year PhD)

Ethan joined the group as a PhD student in September 2021 after a successful MSci project in the group in the year before. During his MSci degree at the University of Birmingham, he won the Jeremy Fullbrook Prize for his excellent performance in organic chemistry at the Univeristy of Birmingham, and spent his third year abroad at the University of Helsinki, Finland, in 2019-20. Outside of chemistry, he is a long-suffering Everton fan and a keen tennis player. 

Kimberley Ellis (2nd Year PhD)

Kimberley completed her Master's degree at the University of Huddersfield, and joined the Jupp group in September 2022 to explore the synthesis of new boranes. Her project backgrounds are in transition metal photochemistry/photocatalysis, specifically looking at Ru(II) triazole complexes for use in photoactivated chemotherapy and Cr(III) photocatalysts. Hobbies include surfing, learning to ski and winding down by doing some drawing in the evenings.

Alastair Littlewood (2nd Year PhD)

Alastair, originally from Sheffield, obtained his MSci degree at the University of Birmingham. His MSci project was joint between the Jupp and Barendt groups, where he studied the encounter complex in frustrated Lewis pair chemistry, and he has now returned to the Jupp group as a Royal Society-funded PhD student. Outside the lab, Alastair’s other interests have led him to regularly volunteer for both St John Ambulance and the Ffestiniog Railway. Alongside these, he also enjoys hiking, bouldering, and good coffee.

Master's Students

Izzy Hawes

Izzy is carrying out her MSci project in assessing the sensing capability of pyrazolyl phosphine oxides. In her free time, she enjoys hockey and korfball  as well as playing violin and going on long dog walks. 


Lewis Oram

Lewis is carrying out a computational project exploring the ligand properties of azophosphines in collaboration with Dr Natalie Fey at the University of Bristol. Outside of chemistry he enjoys football, music and going to the gym.

Hall of Fame

Ellen Tait: MSci 2022-2023

Lauren Senkiw-Smith: MSci 2022-2023

Mark Butler: MSci 2021-2022

Sam Davies: MSci 2021-2022

Alastair Littlewood: MSci 2021-2022

Alice Harmer: MSci 2020-2021

Ethan Calder: MSci 2020-2021


Alastair, Mark, Ethan and Emma in the lab - April 2022.